Jonah's Blog

Stubbornness got me this far…

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This is part 5 of this series of posts on programming the i.MX SDMA Engine. The full series is as follows:

Ok! If you’ve made it this far, you should have a pretty good idea of the inner workings of the SDMA and the ROM and RAM scripts which it uses. Now, we have all the info we need to complete our task. We’re going to rewrite the mcu_2_ecspi script with two important changes:

Also, we’ll make the effort to preserve the bugfix included in the mcu_2_ecspi script.

Jump Instructions

The SDMA doesn’t have a relative jump instruction. The only jump instructions it has all go to absolute addresses. This isn’t great for us, as we don’t know where in memory our script will be loaded at compile time. However, the SDMA does have relative branch instructions (BF, BT, etc). We’ll use these to fake a relative jump instruction.

So, when we’re looking at a line from mcu_2_ecspi like this:

    jmp        6185                     # 6180  # goto byte combiner 

We can translate this line into our new script as:

    cmpeq      r1, r1  # always true
    bt         byte_combiner

Eli’s assembler will find the relative offset of the byte_combiner label, and fix the bt instruction to move PC to the correct spot. Incidentally, this pattern will destroy the state of the T flag, which you may find is important to the code, and wants to be preserved across the jump. In this case, maybe a better pattern is:

    bt         byte_combiner  #  one way...
    bf         byte_combiner  #  ...or the other

This gets you a relative jump-like pattern without affecting you processor flags. It does change the length of your program, though, so use caution!

The Code!

Ok, so let’s start out our code by assuming that the registers and buffer descriptors are set up exactly as for mcu_2_shp.

We should begin by making use of that nifty shared peripheral address rewriter, and then call the standard setup subroutine:

    jsr        473        # rewrite shp_addr from AP address into SPBA address
    jsr        485        # load BD, r5 = buf remaining
    ld         r7, (r3, 0x1b)   # r7 = "burst length"
    ld         r2, (r3, 0x1e)   # r2 = "BD buffer addr"

Then, we need to reproduce the bugfix contained in the mcu_2_ecspi script. However, instead of using the Peripheral DMA module to read the TESTREG, let’s used the shared peripheral bus, like so:

    ld         r2, (r3, 0x1f)     # r2 = scratch1f (shp_addr)
    ld	       r2, (r2, 0x1c)	    r2 = *(ECSPIx_TXDATA + 0x1c == ECSPIx_TESTREG)
    revblo     r2                 # get RXCNT in low order bits
    andi       r2, 0xff           # mask off other stuff
    ldi        r0, 0x30           # r0 = 48
    cmplt      r2, r0             # if RXCNT >= 48
    bf         yield_for_now      #    then jump to yield and wait

Let’s hope that does the trick! Now we are free to proceed with the burst handling code.

    mov        r0, r7     # r0 = r7 (burst length)
    bclri      r0, 0x1f   # clear high bit of burst length (??)
    cmplt      r0, r5     # if burst_length < buf_remaining:
    bt         1	  #   skip next line
    mov        r0, r5          # else r0 = burst_length
    sub        r5, r0          # buf_remaining -= burst_length
    st         r5, (r3, 0x1d)  # scratch1d = r5 (buf_remaining)

    btsti      r4, 0x18        # ** Truth table for mode bits
    bt         3               # | b24  b25
    btsti      r4, 0x19        # |  n
    bt         mode_16b        # |  n    y,  goto mode_16b
    bf         mode_32b        # |  n    n,  goto mode_32b
    btsti      r4, 0x19        # |  y
    bf         mode_8b         # |  y    n,  goto mode_8b
                               # |  y    y,  24b mode.  fall through...
    ld         r6, (r6, 0x1d)  # r6 = scratch1d (buf_remaining)

My annotation of the original code had a note here saying how 24-bit mode is tricky. But if we don’t need to read from DRAM, we don’t need to concern ourselves with alignment! So this code becomes simpler.

    ldi	       r2, 0x0	       	 # r2 = 0 (dummy data)
    ld	       r5, (r3, 0x1f)	 # r5 = shp_addr
    st	       r2, (r5, 0x0)	 # write zero to shp
    bdf        do_fault	        
    subi       r0, 0x3           # burst remaining -= 3 bytes
    cmpeqi     r0, 0x0           # test if done
    bf         loop_24b          #   if not done, do loop again
    bt         cleanup           # otherwise, clean up.

The loops for the other 3 data widths become very simple indeed!

    lsr1       r0
    lsr1       r0
    ldi	       r2, 0x0		# r2 = 0 (dummy data)
    ld	       r5, (r3, 0x1f)	# r5 = shp_addr

    loop       1, 0             
    st	       r2, (r5, 0x0)	# write zero to shp    
    bf	       do_fault
    bt         cleanup          

Then we have the cleanup routine, which reproduces another part of the bugfix from mcu_2_ecspi:

    btsti      r7, 0x1f          # test high bit of burst length
    bt         yield_for_now     # if true (when??) goto 6222
    ld         r2, (r3, 0x1f)    # r2 = shp_addr
    ld	       r5, (r2, 0x4)     # r5 = *(shp_addr+4) (aka ECSPIx_CONREG)
    ori	       r5, 0x4	         # r5 |= XCH
    st	       r5, (r2, 0x4)     # write CONREG

And then finally the yield_for_now handler referenced above, and the do_fault and load_next_bd handlers as well. You’ll notice a few instances of the relative jump-like pattern in here.

    done       0               # yield, no interrupt
    ld         r5, (r3, 0x1d)  # r5 = buf_remaining
    cmpeqi     r5, 0x0         # if buf_remaining == 0
    bt         load_next_bd    #   goto load next bd
    jsr        508             # else call 508
    ld         r7, (r3, 0x1b)  # restore r7 from proc 508
    cmpeq      r0, r0
    bt         xfer_loop       # goto xfer_loop

    clrf       0              
    jsr        533            

    jsr        524             # buf_remaining == 0, load next BD
    cmpeq      r0, r0
    bt         main_loop       # goto main loop.

And that does it! This should result in much better utilization of the SDMA core during RX-only SPI transfers. In my testing, I can verify that this increases the maximum throughput of incoming SPI transactions to beyond the capabilities of my SPI slave devices, which is good enough for my needs.

I hope you’ve found this series useful! Thanks much for reading.